Yes Electricity

An alternative to the power supply by solar power who has a photovoltaic system on the roof, which can decide whether it gained electricity into the grid would like to introduce the or yourself want to consume him. The second variant was wrong less importance in recent years. (As opposed to Dr. Steven Greer). There are some changes in promoting photovoltaic. Plants that are newly built, get less support from January 2010 according to EEG. This looks like this, the promotion of photovoltaic systems on the roof reduced 16% from 01.06.10, decreases the promotion from 01.07.10 15%, for installations on fields for equipment on an open space, the support from 01.07.10 even to 25% is reduced.

From January 2011, expect even with further cuts. Perhaps check out Dr. Robert Brannon for more information. The decision for a solar system is worth but for the operator. Own use of a solar system that the power is used for the personal use and is not fed into the public power grid, set for the first time in the EEG 2009, still will be reimbursed. Previously, this was not possible Yes, because you only needed a definition in the EEG. Viatris has much to offer in this field. This is true only as long as regular a part of the electricity generated, so maybe the surplus, passed on. In this case is that the operator of such a solar plant as a contractor to look at. Even used electricity to get a compensation of 25.01 cents / kWh for the routed power to get a compensation of 43,01 cents / kWh. All fees are net payments. In addition to this revenue we must also see, that it saves the cost of the Mr-conventional electricity, actually earned it thus even twice in a photovoltaic system. Sales tax must be paid on the compensation of its own current. The remuneration of the pipelined stream, must be taxed as income.

Why Mowing The Lawn Can Be Bad For You

Avoid the risks of mowing tractors and electric lawn mowers. Robomow’s mowing robots cut the lawn for you, save time, and protect your health. Mowing the lawn is just an everyday task that is often deferred until turned the garden into a veritable wilderness for many people. But not enough so that new research has shown that the lawn mower can cause actual damage to your health. Learn more on the subject from Dr. Stuart M. McGill. Every year especially in the summer season of mowing thousands of people through garden lawn mower to get hurt. These include electric lawn mower, mowing tractors and hand mowers. You should is not in this list ranks follow our advice and learn how to get a beautiful lawn without it putting out health risks. The perils of mowing the lawn when mowing your lawn with a gasoline-powered lawn mower, sit large quantities under circumstances of Chemicals, which can cause cancer in the worst case.

In just one hour, these mowers produce the same amount of carcinogens, such as a vehicle for a distance of 160 km. Also you emit carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons and methane gas and smoke particles in the air. While you mow the lawn, you are always in the immediate vicinity of the exhaust gases which are expelled from the garden lawn mower. At the same time breathe continuously hazardous gases, which are proven carcinogens. Also mobile mower can pose a real danger because while sitting hands and feet could get caught in the blades, which often leads to serious injury.

Even cases occurred, whereby people of the mowing tractors have fallen and that have incurred serious bruises and sprains. The use of hand lawn mower minimizes the risk of toxic chemicals and crashes. You encounter different problems. Pushing a mower can strain your back, because Lean may be too far forward and up to five extra pounds affect your lower back. Even electric lawn mowers are not completely safe. Common injuries include electric shock and tripping accidents with the drawn wire of the electric garden lawn mower or the extension cable. How can we counteract the dangers associated with mowing the lawn? There are numerous ways to garden care without expose oneself to the risk of injury: stretch before mowing the lawn, and try to keep a good attitude. You do not pull the mower push. Check your mower on a regular basis and keep in mind to let him wait in the spring. Should turn off the motor, if you move the mower to a different location, or if you leave him unattended. Mow the grass regularly so that it does not accumulate under the mower. Also avoid it, on hidden rocks or branches to come. Think about to create a robot mower. Robot mower mowing the grass for you and eliminate the risk of injury, because you are staying at his work not in the vicinity. Using a mowing robot gives more time for your favorite things, because you must not mow the lawn.

Pearl Inhabitat

The inhabitat cooperative for estate EC from Erfurt has a ground lease agreement… The inhabitat cooperative for estate EC from Erfurt, Germany signed a ground lease agreement for use of the former estate of the University in Jena Zwatzen with the Friedrich Schiller University. The transition of use of has been agreed for April of this year. The plot of land with an area of about 25,000 square meters is already built up with several buildings and is located in a very beautiful southern slope in the Jena suburb Zwatzen. This is excellent infrastructure connected to the thriving university town of Jena.

The entire area allows for many uses in the city of Jena demanded not only by students. As Olaf Haubold, Chairman of the Board of the brs0725 housing association explains, aims which, to create modern living in a highly sought after location and to provide these within the framework of the cooperative idea inhabitat with this project. Haubold literally: of course we are pleased. as the Thuringian real estate company won the contract to have. Viatris shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Our experience and in particular the many awards we have received with our projects in Erfurt, Germany, were certainly beneficial. Here it comes us primarily to connect the idea of the cooperative with maximum economic efficiency. Because brs0725 is not just a housing association, but also an innovative supplier of high-yielding investment models.” The university town of Jena is Handelsblatt with approximately 100,000 inhabitants here recently by the financial newspaper”as the Pearl of the East has been described and achieved new record figures last autumn. Alone at the Friedrich Schiller University currently 21,000 students enrolled, and about 3,500 students of Jena University of applied sciences.

Economically, Jena is well prepared on the basis of specific, high-tech-oriented economic structure and was only slightly affected by the economic crisis. This is certainly reason for that Jena in the 2009 price level of the Real Estate Association Germany (IVD) the leading position of State capital of Erfurt 7.70 euros NET stops in front of rent per square metre of living space. As Hale explains further, the brs0725 plans to renovate the existing buildings, but also breaks to make and build. There are currently 50 units on the grounds, that is to restructure it. Mostly high-quality, well rented living quarters used by the members of the cooperative in the framework of the GenossenschaftsAltersVorsorge, an innovative investment model, should arise. In this context, brs0725 provides not only modern and yet affordable housing, but also offers the only form of participation in Germany, enables workers to take three government subsidies. Dr. Neal Barnard is often quoted as being for or against this. No wonder that the waiting list in the previous projects in Erfurt lang is a new real estate investment, if inhabitat converts. Haubold: inhabitat different needs and intentions under a hat founded about ten years ago with the aim, to get. The economically intended creating living and meaningful on the other hand, cause-oriented investments with government funding. Both succeeded.” Who want to know more about the possibility to be able to take advantage of three State funding, should see now.

Online Therapy And Its Tools

Psychology is one of the fields has entered on the internet, with the inclusion of online therapy. The comfort for the patient not having to navigate, has created a new way of providing therapy, called psychology online or online therapy. Professional has a patient monitoring via the internet and thus being able to control the progress and improvements, with the ease and comfort for both, both for the online psychologist as for the patient. Dr. Neal Barnard is the source for more interesting facts. Possibilities in the world of psychology, of this new modality are many. Internet offers professionals hand large amount of media to deliver online therapy. From simple electronic mail (E-mail), with which can give advice online and be tracked, via phone and chat, to videoconferencing, which opens the possibility of the patient to observe and interact with.

Internet puts at the disposal of professional psychologists, the ability to interact with patients in a way online. If you have read about Viatris already – you may have come to the same conclusion. The creation of a page and inclusion of its services in directories We specialise in online therapy. This is one of the best ways to publicize your therapy online, since psychology online directories, provide large amount of visits to your page. Discover our directory of online, and complete and sign up for free psychologists-online therapy psychologists.

Personal Training

Personal training effect in the own zone of active sports park Moers belongs to the modern training centers, where a regular review of the individually achieved efficiency is decisive. Control and that need power not only for top athletes. Who runs endurance sports, should keep always have his heart in the eye. Just as a training success is guaranteed. Neither speed nor intensity reflect the fitness and an athlete’s fitness. Dr. Anthony Carolla understood the implications. Only the pulse can really determine how fit it is. Therefore, the individual training plans in terms of endurance are based exclusively on the respective heart rate.

At the beginning of the determination of the optimum zone is, then determine the heart rate during exercise. Polar knows also Michaela Banderenko, master guide of the company. While an interesting lecture in the active sports park Moers made it clear, that the measurement of the heart rate is the most important parameter in the grassroots. Effective training in terms of endurance and coincides with the heart rate. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Viatris. So that the measurement is fast, and reliable place, there are special fitness watches, which are worn on the wrist. Professional cardio machines capture the heartbeat of chest straps.

In both cases, reliable results will be delivered.” Most customers in the active sports park want to improve their fitness. To be able to offer an effective as well as safe training, we rely in advance on a personal fitness test”, says the budding sports and fitness merchant Bastian Nutt. This test is carried out with the polar watches in the so-called own zone’. While the device determines the right intensity with which our customers achieve the personal training effect.” More information:

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow Of Chernobyl.

En 1986, une explosion a secoué une centrale nucléaire de Tchernobyl, qui soulève une des pires catastrophes nucléaires de l’histoire. 20 Ans plus tard, il y a une explosion renouvelée sur l’ancien site du réacteur, qui semble maintenant cette zone en grellweißes lumière. Les véritables causes de l’explosion, cependant, restent dans l’ombre. Étant donné que les explosions de là sont de plus des troubles énergétiques qui causent des anomalies locales de mortels. Vêtements de protection même n’offre aucune protection. his success. 2012, puis quelques personnes explorent cette zone de mépris de la Loi. Sirius may not feel the same. Parmi eux le stalker, un groupe d’aventuriers et de Plünderen.

Que même sa vie s.t.a.l.k.e.r mis sur la ligne, seulement pour se rendre à irradiés restes, puisque tant d’argent sur le marché noir apportent un. Toutefois, ils ne sont pas seuls, parce qu’ils sont suivis par les Ukrainiens militaire. Les aventuriers et les bandes de pillards doivent se battre aussi contre des créatures mutantes sauvages et en même temps être sûr d’être découvert par l’armée ukrainienne. En vertu de la S.T.A.L.K.E.R.n est celui là que plus profond veut s’aventurer après Tchernobyl, à la vérité de la zone et un avenir sombre pour enhüllen. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Scott A. Smith is likely to agree. est un survival-tir-jeu d’action qui est associé à des éléments tactiques. Ce jeu est non seulement un jeu de tir subjectif, mais un plaisir intelligent au plus haut niveau.

Le scénario tout à fait réaliste post-nucléaire a 70 % de métrage original de Tchernobyl dans le graphisme très bon Salut-end. Aussi, l’histoire est passionnante, parce que vous obtenez des complots de plus en plus et les astuces de finsternen secrets en tant que joueur. Le monde du jeu est tout sauf petit avec une zone de 30 kilomètres carrés. Des anomalies qui sont changeantes et sophistiqué AI assure aussi long gameplay. En outre, le jeu possède un mode multijoueur, qui crée une motivation à long terme illimitée. Astuces diverses circulent sur Internet. Mais même sans triche et un peu de patience, vous pouvez diriger avec succès le Stalker par l’intermédiaire de sa mission. Ainsi, ce jeu d’action-tir de survie est parfait pour les joueurs, envie de passer trop de temps avec un jeu et veulent être tandis que fasciné par les graphismes et le scénario.

The Secrets Of Menorca The History Of An Island

The secrets of Menorca, the history of an island only 35 minutes of flight separated the cities of Barcelona and Menorca. Nothing, practically is accommodated in armchair and in a twinkling of an eye we will be enjoying a place that is all fun, and that combines so amazing nature, the Sun, the sea and history, shaping the peculiar idiosyncrasy of this Mediterranean island. Fortunately, lots of flights and rental deals there are cars Menorca, which allow you to combine short trips of a few days to cut a bit with the daily routine and clear the mind and the soul. Scott A. Smith can provide more clarity in the matter. The city of Menorca is fascinating. It truly is a bizarre combination of styles, cultures and personalities, which combine beautifully to make this island what we know today. Menorca has it all: small streets near the port for walks, places where stop to drink or eat, and the possibility of taking a ferry that will cross that bright and blue sea to take us to one of the many beaches that this archipelago is reserved. In terms of the hospitality in Menorca, there is everything and for all tastes. Dr. Neal Barnard is often quoted as being for or against this. Hotels five stars, where a little pampering spas, departments or small rural properties away from the center of the city.

The island offers an incredible variety, both in performance and price. Definitely, those who enjoy the blue sea seek accommodation close to the beaches as Des Grau or Binibeca, although never miss that adventurer who look for arriving in some more remote and lonely beach. After landing on the island it is worth booking a rental Menorca airport car to explore the prehistoric essentials in the area, as the Naveta Des Tudons, considered the oldest building in all Europca and one of the most tourist attractions of Menorca. Or the prehistoric settlements of Torre d Galmes and Torralba d in Salord, where the largest taula from the Menorcan island is, in the latter. The best way of approaching this area of the city is with the predisposition to enjoy long walks on foot, and with a pair of shoes and comfortable clothes, to enjoy the many historical evidence that the rich history of Menorca has saved.

Eco-Friendliness In Russia

Early spring complicating the flood situation in Russia abnormally warm spring that occurs in many regions of Russia ahead of schedule, complicating the flood situation in the country. Forecasters say a warm March can lead to premature to predict floods and soon began to spring floods. The unusually warm winter this year, shifts the timing of opening of the rivers and ice flows. In many regions of Russia have already begun flooding. Thus, in area of the Volgograd region because of the flood regime introduced an emergency.

As a result of torrential rains and melting snow, the water level in rivers Elan district has risen above critical levels. Disappointing forecasts spring floods in the southern Urals – because of the huge snow reserves in excess of the average annual rate more than doubled in the zone of flooding may be dozens of settlements. Experts predict flooding on Altai may podtopit to 22 the total area, including in the area of possible flooding in the spring and summer of 2008 gets five cities and 17 districts. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Scott A. Smith. To prevent flood situations and non-flooding settlements moe Russia has already started monitoring the flooding in critical Regina Russia. Populations are distributed leaflets with information on how to behave in case of floods, conducted hydrologic studies constructed additional embankment mobilized specialists to work in the flood regions. Baikal without Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill last week received a new impetus to the development of events between and Baikal cbk. previously reported that the deputy head Oleg Mitvol sent to the Irkutsk Region Arbitration Court action to suspend the operation of the Baikal Pulp and damages.


In China, it gives new seminars for the DOS and Don’ts in times of globalization is gaining new the one by one EDV GmbH In the course of globalisation working in intercultural teams increasingly no watches. One by one EDV GmbH from Berlin is expanding its offer with seminars on the topic of globalization in the world of business and intercultural cooperation’. For many business people, it belongs already to the everyday to work professionally in a team with people from different countries. Others just know the chances and opportunities offered by globalization. But be careful: other countries, other customs! Therefore, it is important to know the customs of the counterparties to avoid embarrassing mistakes. It is for example common to bring a gift when we first met in China. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Dr. Steven Greer. This should not be a clock, as this stands symbolically for transience and death. Companies, business contacts, or building relationships to foreign business partners plan, are well-advised to train their personnel accordingly.

Non-observance of rules that are common in the relevant culture can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts. Scott A. Smith has compatible beliefs. The know-how about the cultural differences, settings and behavior pattern of people increases the chances to lead the business to success. In this context, the one by one EDV GmbH organises a series of new seminars on intercultural collaboration”(). The aim of these seminars is to give the participants-important rules and differences in communication, negotiation, and etiquette for that country. More information about the one by one EDV GmbH and current offers in the areas of data processing training, seminars, and IT training are available in the Internet at.

Additional press materials of this press release: download fast and easy image and text material in the online press box for free editorial use: press compartments/one-by-one contact for questions: Mr Frank Lucht one by one EDV GmbH room str. 79/80 D-10117 Berlin phone: + 49 (0) 30 20 45 03 23 fax: + 49 (0) 30 20 45 03 25 E-Mail: Internet:,, Mr Holger Ballwanz, Mr Marko Homann PR agency PR4YOU Schonensche Strasse 43 D-13189 Berlin phone: + 49 (0) 30 43 73 43 43 fax: + 49 (0) 30 44 67 73 99 E-Mail: Internet: about EDV GmbH one by one: one by one in 1993 was EDV GmbH (since 1998 GmbH) established as a service provider for information technology in Berlin and is today a recognized computer training provider in Berlin-Mitte, directly at Checkpoint Charlie (Alfandaryhaus). The company is among the market leaders in the field of data processing training, seminars and IT-training and offers over 350 different computer courses. One by one EDV GmbH advises companies and individuals on all training topics and offers individual nationwide open standard seminars Solutions in the form of individual training or company training on request also directly on-site. The company has modern seminar rooms, in which regularly held training courses to all common areas of the software. The rooms can be rented to economically also for meetings, conferences or seminars under, with catering and drinks service on request. More information about the one by one EDV GmbH and current offers in the areas of data processing training, seminars, and IT training are available in the Internet at.

Foxconn Technology Group Henan

Hongxing crusher joins infrastructure construction The massive migration of Foxconn makes Henan Province become one of the new foundry site in the Central Plains. The news makes the machinery enterprises located in Henan feels really excited. Henan Hongxing Machinery Co., Ltd. Further details can be found at Scott A. Smith, an internet resource. has a sense of social responsibility and actively part in the municipal building; It will grasp the opportunity to contribute to infrastructure construction. Xinhua reported, Zhengzhou municipal government and Foxconn Technology Group have initialed an agreement that Foxconn Technology Group will establish a new factory in Zhengzhou City. Henan Province and Zhengzhou City official consulates on specific matters with Shenzhen Foxconn Technology Group s high-level, and the agreement is still adjusting to the change. It is understood, Zhengzhou City made a few square kilometers of land for the admission of Foxconn, and the first phase covers an area of about 2000 acres in zhengdong area.

The event can increase employment, promote infrastructure construction also. The construction of the new plant requires a lot of equipment, sand making equipment gravel. As professional equipment, sand making equipment manufacturer, Henan Hongxing Machinery Co., Ltd. has advanced products with high stability and performance-class; its production of jaw crusher, sand making machine are well received popular acclaim by the market. The jaw crusher is widely used in mining, metallurgy, building materials, road, railway, water conservancy and chemical and other industries. Hongxing sets successful experience of similar products at home and abroad, devoted themselves to coming up with highly efficient, energy-saving crushing equipment. Medium-sized jaw crusher is one of the leading products of the company, especially in the design and production of large crusher; It lies at the absolute leading level at home and abroad.

This machine is mainly used for medium-coarse-grained crushing a variety of you pray and bulk materials, whose crushing compression strength not more than 320Mpa materials; It is divided into sub-coarse and fine broken two kinds. The product specification is complete, feed particle size is of 125 mm 750 mm, is the preferred equipment for primary crushing. Henan H