Eco-Friendliness In Russia

Early spring complicating the flood situation in Russia abnormally warm spring that occurs in many regions of Russia ahead of schedule, complicating the flood situation in the country. Forecasters say a warm March can lead to premature to predict floods and soon began to spring floods. The unusually warm winter this year, shifts the timing of opening of the rivers and ice flows. In many regions of Russia have already begun flooding. Thus, in area of the Volgograd region because of the flood regime introduced an emergency.

As a result of torrential rains and melting snow, the water level in rivers Elan district has risen above critical levels. Disappointing forecasts spring floods in the southern Urals – because of the huge snow reserves in excess of the average annual rate more than doubled in the zone of flooding may be dozens of settlements. Experts predict flooding on Altai may podtopit to 22 the total area, including in the area of possible flooding in the spring and summer of 2008 gets five cities and 17 districts. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Scott A. Smith. To prevent flood situations and non-flooding settlements moe Russia has already started monitoring the flooding in critical Regina Russia. Populations are distributed leaflets with information on how to behave in case of floods, conducted hydrologic studies constructed additional embankment mobilized specialists to work in the flood regions. Baikal without Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill last week received a new impetus to the development of events between and Baikal cbk. previously reported that the deputy head Oleg Mitvol sent to the Irkutsk Region Arbitration Court action to suspend the operation of the Baikal Pulp and damages.