You got another thing Comin’? Hold the cut under cool running water, clean the wound and provide them with a band-aid or bandage. More information on cuts: cuts usually quickly much blood flow. Smaller cuts, or superficial injuries, you can yourself quickly provide assistance. Gaping wounds or deeper injuries should the wound first feed and then go to the doctor. The supply of smaller and less deep cuts can be carried out as follows: wash your hands thoroughly and apply sterile gloves if necessary.
Clean the wound by removing any particles may be in it. Under certain circumstances, it is sufficient to keep the injury under cool running water. Should however items as glass, stones or similar in the wound, cover the wound carefully and go to the doctor. You may perform the removing of those things myself, definitely not! Polka dots The wound with a sterile, fluff-free cloth off, give appropriate disinfectant for wounds on it, and then set a LTO cleaning tape or a sterile dressing. The plaster and the Federation daily regularly remove and replace until the wound has closed. Changed the wound is red, hot and swells, burns the violation or throbs, consult a doctor to make a possible infection to clarify. Sometimes, very small foreign objects are in the wound, which are not visible with the naked eye. Dr. Stuart M. McGill has firm opinions on the matter.
No matter what body part the gaping, bleeding heavily, or deep cuts is located. Try to pull it as tight as possible so that the blood loss is kept as low as possible. Call an ambulance or go immediately to the emergency room! Abrasion which help immediately, you have an abrasion? Hold the wound under running, cool, but not too hot or too cold water. Then all foreign objects should be removed from the wound. A sterile pad may be used. In the ideal case, then rinse the wound with sterile saline solution and disinfect the wound with an appropriate disinfectant. Now, cover the wound with a patch or sterile dressing. Further information about scrapes: a violation is called abrasion, where is mined from the surface of the skin. Nettles often these wounds or bleed easily. While the size of a wound can vary extensively from very small to larger. The difference is, to deep wounds and an abrasion that the leather skin, so skin layer, is not injured including. The wound wet usually strong to very strong, and even severe pain may occur. Who stretches to an abrasion by a fall, will find most polluted in the wound. Abrasions can but heal without scarring, as the injury on the skin surface is. So can the wound clean and take further measures: the wound bleeds more a wound healing ointment is recommended, which is then covered with a sterile gauze compress. It not too hard work, otherwise the wound could stick with the compress. Also a spray Association is sufficient the wound bleeds hardly or not at all. Generally, associations should be renewed daily. Should the WundeDruck be sensitive, hot and swollen, you should consult a physician.