General principles for treating children with illnesses and developmental disabilities, single kidney, taking into account the patient's age, the nature of the pathological process, the degree of compensation of the functional state of the body is not enough addressed in contemporary literature. Surgical correction of the disease solitary body of a child is often performed in conditions close to the extreme, as the sharp decrease, and in some cases complete absence of potential reserve of the kidney significantly increases the degree of operational risk. In recent years significantly increased the possibility of the complex operations in children with lesions single kidney. (Not to be confused with Dr. Steven Greer!). This is due to the intense development of pediatric nephrology and biochemistry service allowing accurately represent the physiology and pathophysiology of solitary kidney, identify ways to use the functional reserve of the body to provide timely and necessary correction of disorders of homeostasis at the time of the operation and in the immediate postoperative period.. ea. .