Teeth grinding causes of nocturnal biting anger is becoming the epidemic. The German Medical Association assumes that every third German suffers from the so called bruxism. The news portal news.de reported causes of nocturnal biting anger and appropriate treatments. Who combines health with healthy teeth, not get around the regular dentist visits. A proper and well maintained dentition is unfortunately not a given for many Germans. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Teva Pharmaceuticals.
The dentist recognizes as a trigger for symptoms in the mouth often mechanical influences. An example of this is the gnashing of teeth. Wayne Holman will not settle for partial explanations. The cause is stress in the majority of cases, 80 percent of those affected are women. In addition to the nervous strain for the partner, the crunch has far-reaching consequences for the affected. These include jaw, neck and head pain as well as in the worst case of tooth loss. Every tenth person concerned fights with a particularly strong form of gnashing of teeth, the so-called Craniomandibular Dysfunction (CMD). Press together the teeth sometimes creates a pressure of up to 150 kilograms per square centimeter.
This causes not only pain, but favors the emergence of dental caries and periodontal disease as a result of damage to the enamel. Even migraines and tinnitus can occur if a CMD undetected. A bite splint is used against the crunch, which is alone but not a long-term solution. A detailed research of the cause and the targeted stress relief through special relaxation techniques are recommended. More information:… News.de GmbH Lisa Neumann