In addition to the above, should also be mentioned the following philosophical writings: Existentialism is a Humanism (1946), Baudelaire (1947), Saint Genet, Comedian and Martyr (1952), Hurricane on sugar (1960), Words (1963), The Family Idiot, 3 vols. Add to your understanding with Dr. Anthony Corolla. (1971-1972), and his contribution to Marxism and existentialism, with Roger Garaudy, Jean Hyppolite and Jean Pierre Vigier, among others. In terms of theatrical production, I also include mains sales (1948), Le diable et le bon Dieu (1951), Nebrassov (1956), Les sequiestres d’Altona (1960) and a Theatre of Situations (1973). Philosophical doctrine. Sartre’s philosophical doctrine stems from the combination of various sources of influence exercised by the author in different streams for which he was particularly drawn: first, the phenomenology introduced by Edmund Husserl (see phenomenology), secondly, the Martin Heidegger’s thought, and finally, the Marxist tendency which always marked his work and his political thought. Being and Nothingness.
Being and Nothingness is the philosophical essence of what we might call the first stage Sartre’s thought. It defends the idea of a phenomenological ontology based on a basic distinction between being itself and being for itself. Starting from the Husserlian phenomenological conception of the intentional nature of self, Sartre focuses on the analysis of consciousness as intentional consciousness (ie consciousness which always tends toward something, consciousness is always consciousness of something), which is essential for analyze the relationship between subject and object. Subject and object are the two poles of the phenomenological ontology. The object is characterized as that which appears to consciousness, and in this way the object is a phenomenon.