Already BS 8800, voltada for the security and health of the worker. SA8000 is the norm, therefore. It exists for empresasfornecedoras and salesmen. You may want to visit clothes for tall women to increase your knowledge. This norm brings all the requirements and metodologiapara a correct evaluation of the conditions of the workstation. These condiesincluem infantile work, forced works, health and security in the work, freedom of association, discrimination, diversity, practical to discipline, horria load, benefits and the responsibilities of the management in keeping to emelhorar the conditions> of the work. SA8000 is being each more recognized time in the effective world as umsistema of implementation, maintenance and verification of conditions dignasde work. Currently are more than 160 companies certifyd with emdiversos SA8000 countries, including, among others: United States, England, Spain, Italy and Brazil. Although to understand that this norm searchs to propitiate oaprimoramento and better conditions of work, does not have to be able of substituirnossa labor law.
It is a tool used for model of gestoque searchs to construct an ethical relation and of quality with the different shareholding, employee, supplying public, customers, community, government, meioambiente and others – with which the company if relates. It is the way as aorganizao treats and leads its businesses, leading in account the desenvolvimentoeconmico, social and ambient. As well as norms ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 it is necessary oenvolvimento of the High Administration to co-ordinate the program, the Analysis Crticaperidica, the Planning and Implementation. The interested organizations to emcomprovar the attendance to the requirements of the norm are submitted the specialized portcnicos auditorships of famous independent entities. The certificate s granted to those organizations that fulfill to the requirements dosistema total. Respect of the community, that interacts with these companies, is ogrande objective and prize who can reach and receive for practising action quetrazem the comprometimento of the employees stops with the aspirations of the companies. Social responsibility encloses: Mission and Values of the Ethical Company in its actions Support to the collaborator, its families, incentive educao. Working, Governmental and Syndical relations. Health of the Diligent Relationship with suppliers, producers, deliverers. Relationship with shareholders and the government Practical honest and transparent of market Service of Attendance to the Consuming Social Marketing Social Rocking Respect to the Environment Cultural actions by means of support to the Community.