Meat Proteins

Cooking meat and meat cooked stews cooking meat during cooking, the meat loses 40% of its weight of water it stand out, extractives and mineral salts. To get the meat broth is put into a saucepan with cold water, cover pan with a lid and place over high heat to boil water faster. Rusty holzer understood the implications. Then, during the entire cooking, support the weak boiling water. When cooking meat such malosochnoe obtained, with less protein, which partially transferred to the broth. If you want a juicy and soft boiled meat (and not very strong broth), then fill it with chunks of raw meat with boiling water (water to just cover for them), cover the pan with a lid and place on fire. When the water boils, reduce heat and simmer until meat is fully cooked. Dr. Neal Barnard is likely to agree. Duration of cooking meat is different and depends mainly on the species, age and fatness. Meat cooked in old animals significantly longer young meat and beef for more than lamb.

In addition, the cooking of meat varies depending on the size of the carcasses and cuts of meat. Before cooking broth will cut large dice, then at cooking they give all they contain nutrients, beef cooks more quickly if her pre-fight off a wooden mallet and add 1-2 tablespoons water, vinegar. Usually on the surface of boiling broth appears curdled gray foam meat proteins, removing the foam, you remove the stock of valuable nutrients, put on a few light blows the foam with a spoon foam falls, and much of it absorbed the broth. Broth, cooked from the frozen meat, even the most experienced housewives get muddy, put the pan is well-washed egg shells (after her, of course, must be removed), the broth is clear. If you need to cook broth as quickly as possible, cut the meat for him across the grain long strips, the same goal can be achieved by passing the meat through a meat grinder, brew made from minced meat balls. To get a clear broth, must be at boiling remove the foam and cook on low heat. When cooking soups can not allow rapid boil to avoid turbidity, emulsification of fats and get osalivshegosya taste.

Tough meat is softer, if in fire or cooking add a little vinegar or citric acid. When boiled meat is ready, remove it from the pan and keep to the table to feed a small amount of broth. Meat stew to cook meat properly be designed to pre-fry braise on all sides in the heated skillet with the fat. Then shift to more deep bowl, add a small amount of hot liquid (water or broth), roots, spices, seasonings and simmer under the lid closed. To improve the taste of stewed meat, you can use onions, carrots, parsley, celery, leeks. The total amount of vegetables per 100 g per 1 kg of meat. Meat stew in a large quantity of fat in a saucepan with a tight lid. Typically, water is added to the fat or the wine. The meat of young animals (veal, lamb) stewed with white wine, beef and pork with red. Infusing the wine, leave the pot for some time open to alcohol evaporated. Salted meat after it is covered with water or broth.

Diet Sexually Active People

Sexual ability inhabitant of our planet are directly connected with the general state of the organism. If you often overeat, throw in all sorts of delicious, but obviously harmful products, it is the fastest, sooner or later your body to exhaust its resources of health, and this is directly reflected in sexy potential. Because the creators of the diet for sexually active people at first repelled by the principles of healthy feeding, also take into account extraordinariness some different products to influence the sexual sphere. With this diet you can maintain or sexual activity in its common level or even improve it. The diet of this diet is taken into account sexually active people need to maintain a stable blood sugar levels, as lowering the amount of glucose in the body to first hit on those organs and systems, which are responsible for the quality of sexual life. In However, the list of forbidden foods were candies, chocolates, ice creams, jams, jellies, jams, confectionery products and in general all products that contain sugar.

Emphasis also should be more on different dairy products: yogurt, kefir, koumiss, acidophilus, milk, cottage cheese, buttermilk. It is recommended to connect them with additives such as this grain of wheat germ, brewer's yeast, lecithin. This snack is nutritious, but not too much bother stomach and the whole entire body. For those who choose to adjust their sexual potential through proper nutrition, in general, we recommend to switch to a lighter, but at the same time nutritious.