Banking By Internet And Modern Cell Phones

The world of digital technology knows no borders. Go to Teva Pharmaceutical Industries for more information. In recent times, has become the financial sector in the last quarter to undergo this transformation. In the past, the use of computers was very important to carry out monetary transactions with a financial institution in particular. However, the latest addition to Internet banking in smart phones has brought numerous changes. In the following paragraphs of retransmission of the risks that come with this form of deposit of money. Their nature small, however, gone one step further to perform tasks that are almost similar to a computer.

This is the main reason why they prefer when it comes to deposit money online. They have the ability to connect to the Web with ease, just like any ordinary PC. Currently, experts can reveal that 89 per cent of the owners, that in a similar manner to use to carry out this task, do not have the slightest knowledge of the measures of security to carry out. It is important to bear in mind that all financial transactions that are made in the banks require high levels of security. For effective use of this system there is no need to observe high levels of security. When this method is used, the possibilities of being tracked by the crime of cyberspace are very high, if it is that some measures were not observed. If information on the details of a user account it is exposed, there is the possibility that are of easy access and compromised, even.

Details such as your account number and password are part of the crucial information that can land in the wrong hands. A normal computer system comes with considerable safety that can provide security for the user. The presence of anti-virus scanning and regular changing of registration important codes makes it difficult for the leaking of this information to other sources. But if everything you want to try, may not be a simple task. They have to fight to achieve their objective, therefore, give up easily. But for these devices, the observance of safety standards must be updated in order to ensure safety. Lack of important programs, such as antivirus, password and all regulatory safety exchanger. However, it is quite surprising given account that most of the bankers make sure computers that used are safe and protected. But when it comes to the use of these devices, which do not seem to bother or even consider the associated dangers. On the other hand, all is not lost in the observation of the security measures that are necessary when it comes to operating this system. In other words, in any case the use of this system must be secure, is necessary to cancel all the applications that are used by other persons other than the users. Introduction of systems of passwords is also recommended. The user should also try to use the device as a PC. This means that it has to be treated with more care, bearing in It has the fact that is not only a mere receiver. This is important because it will lead to a higher level of security. Some financial institutions has also introduced their own applications after the realization of the dangers caused by banking by Internet on smart phones.

International Conference

In addition, the complex thermal processes that occur as a result of placing multiple varistors in one case, increase leakage current and also reduce the life of spd. 3. Level of protection level of protection 1 is very important for the spd parameter characterizing the degree of its impact on the isolation of the protected equipment. Today time is often electrical equipment category I for resistance of insulation (1,5 kV) 2 is set immediately after the main switchboard, which naturally determines the requirements for highly lower value of the level of protection spd. In this case, is not only the maximum level of protection, but its value during the entire period of application of pulsed voltage, since, as experience shows, the isolation electrical equipment is often damaged during the long decay time of the pulse.

Maximum level of protection for both devices is approximately the same and amounts to about 1000, but at the SPD-based varistors, this value preserved for all time application of the pulse, while a combined spd on the basis of a spark gap and varistor is very fast (few microseconds) is reduced to a value close to nominal. Naturally, the combined spd provides for the isolation of the equipment you are much more favorable conditions. And in this case, as shown by comparison, the level of protection combined spd is much lower than the varistor (including the maximum value, 1140 vs. 1300). 4. Conclusion The comparison circuit design and test results showed that the spd Class I + ii, based on a combination of the spark gap and varistor have greater reliability and better performance than similar devices based varistors. Because of the differences of the current – voltage characteristics of varistors connected in parallel one of them always is more loaded than others, which leads to premature failure, especially when powerful lightning impulse.

At the same time, the combined spd these powerful impulses safely discharged spark gap. With regard to response time, thanks to technologies of active energy management in combined schemes, it is identical in both schemes spd. In terms of impact on the insulation protected equipment, the combined unit also has all the advantages in comparison with the device in varistor: its level of protection is much lower as the momenta of 10/350 ms, and 8 / 20 microseconds, and both on maximum value, and as long as the application of the pulse. Thus, the combined device surge protection class I + ii on the basis of a spark gap – the universal high secure modern solution for the effective protection of electrical equipment from lightning and switching surges. Literature: 1.GOST P 51992-2002 (IEC 61643-1-98). Devices for surge protection in low-voltage power distribution systems. Part 1. Health requirements and test methods. 2.GOST P 50571.19-2000 (IEC 60364-4-443-95). Electrical installations of buildings. Part 4. Security requirements. Chapter 44. Surge protection. Section 443. Privacy electrical installations from lightning and switching surges. 3.IEC 61312-1: Protection against lightning electromagnetic pulse. Part 1. Basic principles. 4.J. , H. Heckler, K. Scheibe, M. Wetter. Discharge capability and residual voltage of class I and class ii SPDs. 28th International Conference on Lightning Protection. 5.IEC 60060-1: Technology of High-voltage test. Part 1. General definitions and test requirements.