Project of the Federal Institute for vocational education and training consultant for fitness provides BSA additional qualification before the special qualification of the BSA-Akademie”elected September AusbildungPlus, a project of the Federal Institute for vocational training (BIBB), the training offer of the month. To read more click here: Nancy Dubuc. AusbildungPlus is one of the largest education database in Germany. Meanwhile, over 41,000 training are included in the database. Thus, it offers a comprehensive overview of additional qualifications and training and practice integrating dual degree programmes in Germany. Consultant fitness: perfect complement to the commercial training more and more young people are interested in occupations in the areas of prevention, health and fitness. Because here they directly with people together and this work in an environment that is connected to enjoy movement. How well the career prospects in this market of the future, shows, for example, the growing number of those who are members of a fitness and health Studio: In the year 2009 there were more than 7 million active members and rising (source: Fundamentals of DSSV – employer association of German fitness and health systems 2009). But what if the entry requirements for a degree in this area cannot be met because, for example, lack of admission requirements as Abitur or Fachhochschulreife? Or even if you already chose an initial training, now but more”want: higher skill and better career prospects? “Then can be a combination of an initial training (such as sports and fitness Management Assistant” “, office clerk” etc.) and an additional qualification of the BSA Academy to the / to the consultant /-in for fitness “be exactly the right thing.
“Sideline to the consultant for fitness” at the Academy of BSA the BSA course consultant /-in for fitness “, which can be taken parallel to a training and thus part-time, provides extensive knowledge in the areas of strength training and cardio training. So, trainees are put in the position, the To serve customers in the individual training and training plans to create, with which they achieve their personal training goals. Also, the participants will learn to design classes for beginners in the areas of low/mixed impact, step, workout, spinal column gymnastics and stretching. In addition to the content in the training area, trainees acquire industry-specific knowledge to sales and service, they can use inter alia in sales calls, promotions or events. The additional qualification is the perfect combination, if one works in a fitness or health business or want to work and next to a commercial activity in the areas of fitness and personal training, course Director/instruction, promotion will be etc.. The additional qualification combines distance learning with compact presence phases, which can be completed at training centres in Germany (Germany), Austria or of Switzerland.