Tibet And Its Fairy Tale

Today the people on the roof of the world are deeply rooted in the ancient myths and stories. A charming collection of Tales from Tibet and Nepal will present the authors in this high-quality crafted book. Tells fairy tales are Prince and animals, of good and evil powers and the happiness of the brave. Tells are fairy tale from the Highlands of Tibet, which at its southern end includes a large part of the Himalayas and 4500 meters covers an average height, therefore also known as the roof of the world and is considered the highest inhabited region in the world. Even the photographer was traveling there for 6 weeks with a small, but very homogeneous group and could therefore bring a rich treasure trove of extremely high-quality photos of Tibet and also ultimately in this book with a drain.

This makes the book so valuable Tales from Tibet including the eh very high-quality facilities. The hijack sensitive photographs Readers in a strange world. Today, it seems the heroes and damsels of fairy tales in the small villages in the isolated Gompa between snow-capped peaks, between desert living and storms and the wind carries the wishes of the prayer flags up on the slopes of the Holy Kailash. A book for lovers of fairy legends and for lovers of slightly different perspective on people of a landscape. It can be read by the sophisticated writing style and language by adults, even, are presented as love like even the smaller children. Authors: Josef of good photos: Gunther H. Schulze hardcover in linen bound gold lettering, in the Bandarolschuber in addition in each book a high quality C-print in format 13 x 18 cm partial hand-signed product_info.php/info/p43

Radical Innovation: New Book By Jens-Uwe Meyer

The new book of innovation a political mastermind explains how companies become market revolutionaries. “Radical innovation the manual for market revolutionaries.” So reads the title of a new book that is published by BusinessVillage. In the 256 page book Jens-Uwe Meyer, one of the leading experts for innovation in Germany, cleans up radically with the quiet hope of many managers: our company is already master the future with small changes in its concepts and strategies. PCRMs opinions are not widely known. Meyer predicts: a tuning of the existing is not enough. In most companies, a revolution must take place. Read more here: Dr. Stuart M. McGill. Otherwise, the future without it growth takes place.

In the worst case, they will go, such as the Hertie’s former market size and source, AEG and Kodak. “A further core thesis of Meyer, who is a Leipzig trade university professorship in business creativity” has, is: most companies are not prepared for the challenges ahead, the market to them,. The reason: They are while real masters in tune of the existing as well as in the inventing of variants of the well-known and tried and tested, radical innovations but very different ways of thinking and management approaches, as well as organizational structures require incremental improvements. Therefore many companies are going down in the coming years in the global competition if they completely reset not the turnout. The book radical innovation”is divided into two parts. “” “Explained Meyer, in the first the already the two business bestseller the Edison principle” and creative despite tie “wrote, why most large companies called Innosaurier”, the radical innovations fail.

Key reasons for this are: while outside the world changed, the PowerPoint presentations are changing with them primarily. While there is a digital revolution, the coordination processes be placed in them new. “While outside rebels” create new markets and conquer, consider the Manager of Innosaurier primary, how do you secure what has been achieved can. After Meyer has described in the first part of the book on numerous practical examples, how radical innovations be prevented in most large companies, he introduces approaches in the second part, as fixed this shortcoming and radical innovations developed can be based on numerous case studies of companies who either made the cultural and organizational turnaround or is in very short time of start-ups to global players have developed. Thanks to innovative management concepts. Thanks to innovative business ideas that created whole new markets. Thanks to a management, which proclaimed the internal revolution. “The reading of the book radical innovation the manual for market revolutionaries” is a pleasure not only due to the very simple and imagistic language as well as the numerous case studies and recommendations for action. In addition: the book is in contrast to those most management books visually a treat. Not only because of the expensive four color printing, but also due to the numerous photos, graphics, info boxes and cartoons which encourage browsing. “The book radical innovation the manual for market revolutionaries” by Jens-Uwe Meyer costs 24.80 euros (Verlag BusinessVillage, Gottingen; ISBN-10: 3869801344). For more information about the book at