Political System

Burgenland state politics between 1922 and 1934 the Burgenland has through his late”enter to exhibit also specific conditions for its political system in the history of Austrian. The history of the political camps here partly took a different course. So, played a much larger role than in other States about the third camp and was at times even the Governor. There was a total of four terms terms of the Parliament of Burgenland in the 1st Republic (1922-34): I. GP (1922-1923), II. GP (1923-1927), III. GP (1927-1930, IV. GP (1930-1934).) In 1934, the Democratic Republican Parliament of Burgenland was replaced by a standisch authoritarian State Parliament.

At the same time, this was the end of democracy in the Burgenland until the year 1945. The Social Democratic Party (SdP), the Christian Social Party (CSP), the Landbund (LdB) and the greater German people’s Party (GdP) represented were in those twelve years in the Landtag of Burgenland. Election results for the results of the election between 1922 and 1930 were the presence of a three-party system again the Landtag of Burgenland. While at the first State election, the Social Democratic Party (SdP) which took over the largest party with 13 seats, had this 1st place in the subsequent three state elections in 1923, 1927 and 1930 the Christian Social Party (CSP) with 13 or 14 mandates and positions. In 1927 which ran Christian Social Party (CSP) together with the greater German people’s Party on a so-called unity list”, in 1930, along with the home guard.

This stood in contrast to the national elections or the Austrian State of Carinthia, cannot stand alone as a block of home to. The Social Democrats scored with 12 1923 and 1927 and 1930 with 14 mandates each close behind the 2.Platz. The third camp consisting of of Grossdeutscher people party (GdP) and the Landbund (LBd) only scored 1922 10 mandates, 1923 as national 7 mandates, 1927 as national 5 mandates and 1930 as a national economic block (Landbund/large German people’s Party) also 5 mandates.

DEUTSCHE MESSE Will Be EU Competition Case In Brussels

EU competition authorities check subsidy on the Deutsche Messe AG Brussels a 250 million EURO, 22 Dec. 2010 – Deutsche Messe AG becomes the competition case in the EU. In accordance with competition law, the EU Commission has initiated studies on the consequences of 250.000.000 EURO subsidy to the Deutsche Messe AG. EU competition authorities check how Deutsche Messe AG Hannover Messe abusing their position and anti-competitive distort the market. Also the DEUTSCHE BANK research in 2007, already in the run-up to the financial crisis, a study clearly before the remarkable growing overcapacity in the mass market and the dumping competition “warned. To the forced removal of the overcapacity noted DEUTSCHE BANK: because the demand did not keep pace for exhibition space with the capacity expansion, overcapacity of around one third have arisen. 143 relatively low per m2 stand rental and a reinforced siphoning off of the fairs are the result compared with EUR among themselves, to fill the halls.” In one Handelsblatt interview declared also Werner Dornscheidt as head of Messe Dusseldorf: “only four work profitably from 70 trade fair cities: Frankfurt, Nuremberg, Essen and Dusseldorf.” In my opinion, only the trade fair companies have a raison d ‘ etre, which is to carry on life itself and thus without public aid”, so Dornscheidt. Wayne Holman wanted to know more.

The contest lawsuit was of CLEAN MOVES organizers, one from London and Brussels operating platform of energy-efficient mobility solutions, the EU Commission submitted. The CLEAN MOVES was as a result of the subsidy cyclic on the Hannover Fair from the market pushed. CLEAN MOVES initiator said Ralph Kappler: the behavior of the Deutsche Messe AG remains a mystery. Because she CLEAN MOVES had already over four years in a row image-rich enriches the Hannover Fair and brought energy-efficient mobility from London and Brussels at the fair for the first time with an international reputation.” Although the CLEAN MOVES even in April 2009 over the full five days of the fair the most comprehensive Conference programme of the entire Hannover trade fair offered, subsidized the fair on kannibalisierende competition events. In the Hannover Messe drove as organizers despite reputable sponsors CLEAN MOVES prices steadily upward, while donating same topics and land at dumping prices and even free of charge to clubs. Member States also experiences of autonomous trade fair companies in Germany and international exhibition companies in the EU are made to long-term securing of the trade fair location Germany.

From 2005 to 2009 she brought CLEAN MOVES the entire spectrum of energy-efficient mobility on the Hannover Messe. A proof of the ranking which MOVES CLEAN was also taking the patronage by the Lower Saxony Economics Minister Philipp Rosler and Walter Hirche, as well as by Federal Environment Minister Sigmar Gabriel. BACKGROUND: Subsidy on the Deutsche Messe AG in the pre-cleaning – and election year 2009 as capital spent the 250.000.000 euros the CDU and FDP-run Lower Saxony, Germany. According to the CLEAN MOVES organizers fueling these subsidies switching the same interests of the Association and it distorts competition on the Hanover Trade fair, as well as between the exhibition venues. Deutsche Messe is in her HERMES + report MOVES to the so-called capital increase even with the already by the mid-sized CLEAN initiative developed references as their strategic expansion project.