Regional Hospital

It is clearly that this is important, but the comment of attendance situations suggests a series of other principles and techniques, mainly in a hospital environment. They are necessary simple requirements so that the patient feels itself satisfied as: promptness? desire to help patient to supply service soon; ability? qualification of the human resources and technological; courtesy? education, respect, consideration and cordialidade of the staff whom it deals with the patient; trustworthiness? capacity to fulfill with the fiance’; credibility? reliable transmission and honesty in the treatment with the patient; security? to keep the patient informed in understandable language. For assistance, try visiting Dr. Robert Brannon. 5 PROCEDURES METODOLGICOS 5,1 TYPES OF RESEARCH This study consist of a field research and exploratria with quanti-qualitative boarding, using of the observacional, descriptive and exploratrio method, where in accordance with Gil (2002) the exploratria research, has as main purpose to develop, to clarify, and to modify concepts and bases on the formularization of problems or hypotheses for posterior studies. Already the field research is used as Marcone and LKatos (2000) will be used to get information and knowledge about a problem for which if it looks a reply. 5,2 CITIZENS OF THE RESEARCH attendance in the Regional Hospital of Cajazeiras? 5,3 HRC PLACE AND PERIOD OF the RESEARCH the research will be carried through in the Regional Hospital of Cajazeiras? HRC.

The period of the collection of data will be in the month of May of the current year. 5,4 UNIVERSE AND SAMPLE OF the RESEARCH the population of this study will be constituted by professional users and of the Regional Hospital of Cajazeiras? PB. 5,5 INSTRUMENTS AND TECHNIQUE OF COLLECTION OF DATA the choice of the interviewed ones will be given in random way, considering availability them citizens. Considering the ethical aspects of the research involving human beings, the data will be collected through descriptive statisticians. The instrument used for the collection of data will be the one questionnaire, with semistructuralized script, with closed and opened questions, making use of the digital camera to register through photos thus aiming at, to take care of the objectives of the research.

Cancer Years

A bipsia was made that disclosed to be about a carcinoma to basocelular esclerodermiforme, is a type of tumor that appears when people if neglect and take much sun. It is what we need to believe that we have that to use the protector. This is unquestionable, this has that to use. I find that I neglected, in addition I I have a risk factor, I have clear skin and blue eye.

Blue people of clear skin and eyes have more predisposition to the skin cancer. Therefore, the solar protector must use, daily exactly in brusque days. Continue to learn more with: Dr. Steven Greer. (U. the Z. 78 years, 2009). The National Institute of Cancer (INCA) confirms this affirmation: The majority of the skin cancers is due to extreme exposition to the sun. The American Society of Cancer esteem that in 2007, more than a million of cases of basocelulares and escamosas cells, and about 60 a thousand cases of melanoma they would be associates to radiation UV (ultraviolet). In general, for the melanoma, a bigger risk includes personal or familiar history of melanoma. Other factors of risk for all the types of skin cancer include sensitivity of the skin to the sun, history of extreme solar exposition, illnesses imuno suppresors and occupational exposition. (INCA, 2008). Consequncia of treatments the highly aggressive medicine base to the cells of the human body, as the quimioterapias and the x-rays, the loss of the hair and for the ones of the body is one of the symptoms that transform the appearance of the individual. U.A.Z. (78 years, 2009) it shows as if it processes the sensation: ‘ ‘ lacrimejando, this exactly, this are incomodativo, really you are constrangido’ ‘ , mentioning sequelas to it of the surgeries carried through in its face.