The main component of tea – matein has the ability to cause nervous system in a state of emotional balance by eliminating the anxiety and calming, but at the same time and in stimulating a depressed condition. In the week there is a reduction of weight of 0.5-1kg. Other methods of correction of weight loss: Diet therapy – the most effective, the scientific evidence, are considered low-calorie balanced diet, as this approach does not growing shortage of essential nutrients. It is advisable not to eat after 18:00 pm. Physical activity.
For effective weight loss recommended aerobic exercise (jogging, swimming, cycling, cross-country skiing, jumping rope, if not contraindicated). Walking – the easiest and most effective form of exercise that promotes weight reduction and retention. Your friends: Ogorodnaya zelenSezonnye vegetables and fruktySvezhie juices of seasonal fruits and whole grains from fruktovKashi on kuragMineralnaya or water, green tea, your good habits: Eat a salad of vegetables and fruits before the main meal – you will quickly be filled, and the calories will get menshe.Peyte more liquid (if not contraindicated) – up to 2 liters in den.Sochetayte meat with starchy foods ovoschami.Eshte (rice, bread, potatoes) and vegetables and zelenyu.Gotovte steamed in the oven. Your enemies are: Instant kofeZhirnoe meat kopchenostiSahar, shokoladIzbytok soliSolenya and marinadyYogurty curds and long Habits of which should be abandoned: drink during edyPit more than 2 cups of coffee at denPropuskat zavtrakNaedatsya nochGolodat pereedatPerekusyvat and sweets during the day should be clear: a person's weight is adequate to health. Health has changed – changed the weight. And health must be maintained at all times. The complex is to reduce the weight you can order from an online store Amrita