First Fasting

How to prepare for the first starvation? In order to reduce the severity of your first fast should follow some simple rules. First of all – should be well acquainted with the method of fasting. You must at least in general terms to understand the essence of this method – to know how to carry out fast, what trouble can occur during fasting and out of it. For it is desirable to read books of popular authors and advocates of the method, such as Paul Bragg, Yuri Nikolayev, Herbert Shelton and others, or read the relevant sections on our website 'Therapeutic fasting at home. " A rare man in the process of life can keep your the body clean, so before you start your first fast, you need to do some cleaning procedures.

The first step is to clean the intestines. It is best to conduct purification procedures per month before the scheduled time of fasting. The easiest way this can be done using conventional enemas. Most often this is done using the methodology of Dr. Walker, but you can use and cleanup of the intestine by Schadilovu, Malakhov, Semenova. Gives good results cleaning a monitor of the intestine. Colon Cleansing can help you to feel comfortable during your first fast.

After cleaning your colon you simplify your health during starvation, as well as help your body to more easily switch to internal power, reduce toxicity and hunger. In addition, you can spend, and other cleaning procedures – such as – cleansing the liver, blood vessels, kidneys and joints. A week before the scheduled time try to give up meat, fatty junk food, and various hot spices and seasonings, as well as alcohol, which cause increased appetite. The best option would – compliance with the milk – vegetable diet. Such food as to facilitate the flow of starvation, as well as reduce the sense of appetite. Choose an appropriate time of fasting. So, if one-day fasting may be carried out in any time of year, the best time of your first fasting longer periods – 5 days or more, will be – the end of July, August and early September. At this time warm enough, there is plenty of fruit and vegetables, as well as have the opportunity to spend enough time outdoors. The first one-day fasting is recommended on weekends and longer periods of fasting is best done on a vacation fresh air. Thus the main, for that would properly prepare for the fasting is necessary to observe some simple rules: 1. Become familiar with the method of fasting and understand why you do it. 2. Conduct pre-cleaning procedures. 3. During the week, to comply with milk-vegetable diet. 4. Choose resembling time for fasting. Compliance with these simple rules allow you to more easily migrate their first starvation and receive from him the maximum benefit.

Leukocytosis In The Mountains

In order to study the effect of T in combination with acute pain syndrome (OBS) on leukocyte counts (LF) were carried out four series of experiments on male and female white mongrel rats: 1-control (K), 2 – D modeling, 3 – to Modeling OBS and 4 in the combined effects of T and OSB. In the blood, the males were found insignificant changes in the RSD with respect to K, while at T marked shift to the left to the young LF (S), a decrease of lymphocytes (L) by 2.1 times, increasing not significantly changed. At T in combination with OBS was an increase in AEs in the 4-fold, SE 2.4 times, and monocytes decreased 3.6 times. Recently Barry Collins sought to clarify these questions. Thus, males are more sensitive to T, while females are more sensitive to Em, as well as T in combination with OBS it is more typical of middle-aged citizens. In elderly people, due to reduction in the total immunity has not been increasing the number of white blood cells or these changes are not pronounced. With regard to biological reasons for this is a pathological process and not worry about it..

Amrita Vegetables

The main component of tea – matein has the ability to cause nervous system in a state of emotional balance by eliminating the anxiety and calming, but at the same time and in stimulating a depressed condition. In the week there is a reduction of weight of 0.5-1kg. Other methods of correction of weight loss: Diet therapy – the most effective, the scientific evidence, are considered low-calorie balanced diet, as this approach does not growing shortage of essential nutrients. It is advisable not to eat after 18:00 pm. Physical activity.

For effective weight loss recommended aerobic exercise (jogging, swimming, cycling, cross-country skiing, jumping rope, if not contraindicated). Walking – the easiest and most effective form of exercise that promotes weight reduction and retention. Your friends: Ogorodnaya zelenSezonnye vegetables and fruktySvezhie juices of seasonal fruits and whole grains from fruktovKashi on kuragMineralnaya or water, green tea, your good habits: Eat a salad of vegetables and fruits before the main meal – you will quickly be filled, and the calories will get menshe.Peyte more liquid (if not contraindicated) – up to 2 liters in den.Sochetayte meat with starchy foods ovoschami.Eshte (rice, bread, potatoes) and vegetables and zelenyu.Gotovte steamed in the oven. Your enemies are: Instant kofeZhirnoe meat kopchenostiSahar, shokoladIzbytok soliSolenya and marinadyYogurty curds and long Habits of which should be abandoned: drink during edyPit more than 2 cups of coffee at denPropuskat zavtrakNaedatsya nochGolodat pereedatPerekusyvat and sweets during the day should be clear: a person's weight is adequate to health. Health has changed – changed the weight. And health must be maintained at all times. The complex is to reduce the weight you can order from an online store Amrita


Nowadays, much attention was given to the prevention of healthy lifestyles, physical education and sport. The media campaign is to improve the health of the nation, but whether the public health without health women – one of its units, which is responsible for the birth of every human being in this world? Proverb says: "Take care of honor to the young." This wise phrase applies not only honor, but also health and few young girls and women think about the fact that attracting the attention of shapely legs and open parts of the body, they sometimes cause irreparable harm to the future, not yet conceived child. Of course, it is natural desire to be noticed and in demand, but a time for everything! It is quite appropriate to be thinking, and whether in the cold season, for the sake of man's attention to jeopardize their own health and that of the unborn child? All of the above applies to the maintenance of health and what to do when the disease has penetrated into the body? There is little to deviate from the basic theme and appeal to ancient knowledge. The basis of the female body lies pentagram – symbol of man. Five of its points are related to the birth, growth and development of the child.

In the body, they correspond to the pelvic organs (gynecology), breast and thyroid. Abnormalities in functionality of an organ leads to a chain reaction that result in violations of all other points. Time trend has led to numerous stage, composed of young women, the gynecologist office and mamologa in clinics, overcrowded gynecological department in hospitals. And well, when diseased woman gets a doctor-healer who is familiar with and competent person who will deal with the full participation of the reasons disease and competently prescribe a course of treatment. But how often do they have to meet with the physician-craftsman, who will act on principle – there is no body and no problems! How many women unnecessarily sent to surgical table, counting the appendages and the ovaries are not vital organs! And how many women are not properly assigned to a course of treatment, medical errors, and simple callousness, lead to acquired infertility?! We believe that surgery should only be applied in cases where there is a question about the life of a woman or child.