
QFT perfectly proved to be the construction of nonresidential buildings, including office buildings, schools, churches, shopping centers and public buildings. They are especially profitable when client, designer and contractor willing to obtain optimum strength, comfort, durability and efficiency. Tests were carried out from the wall thickness of 11 cm KTP, and results were compared with results of conventional tests wooden walls. Thus, the insulating properties of the walls of the CFT is higher than that of thicker timbered walls. The tests, which funded the Association of quantum field theory, showed that the attachment plates is not subcooling sections. You may want to visit Dr. Robert Brannon to increase your knowledge. This differs from the wooden walls of QFT, where it is found during verification, every nail creates a cold spot.

The advantage of QFT is that they almost completely eliminate subcooling sections, thus creating more comfortable conditions for life. KTP were tested for structural integrity and fire resistance required by building codes. Load testing included transverse and vertical compression and test shear stress. Check the fire consisted of a fire in a corner room and the fire load. KTP has a thick middle of a durable insulating foam which is resistant against insects.

Treatment for insects is a patented process in which polystyrene foam is added directly to a natural mineral, called to deter insects. Expanded polystyrene does not contain freon or formaldehyde. He inert, has no nutritional value, and is very durable. Thus, this environmentally friendly material. QFT in the construction of structurally insulated panels are widely used for mass construction of affordable housing in cities and rural areas. With the use of universal light structures, erected in large numbers quickly pays for commercial facilities, including hotels, shops, restaurants, offices, industrial and agricultural buildings that have high functional and aesthetic characteristics. New construction technology has been successfully used for the rapid construction of comfortable and cheap houses for the displaced, local effects of disasters, camps, military barracks, and many other prefabricated buildings of light construction. Lightweight design allows to build a building on the foundations of small-scale occurrence, which gives additional savings in cost and time of construction. Structurally insulated panels – is an advanced type of wood-frame housing, which has been recognized and certified CIS. In the coming years modular sandwich panels will be the most common material in low-rise construction. They passed thousands of tests in different countries, whose results have proved convincingly that this is efficient building system in the world. So, build a house using a technology QFT sparingly, but to live in the house of QFT comfortable and convenient. In such a house in the most severe frosts heat, and cool in summer heat. To warm a house in cold winter, enough 2-3 hours of heating system, at a cost of thermal energy – several times less than in the homes of materials such as brick, concrete, timber etc.

Regional Hospital

It is clearly that this is important, but the comment of attendance situations suggests a series of other principles and techniques, mainly in a hospital environment. They are necessary simple requirements so that the patient feels itself satisfied as: promptness? desire to help patient to supply service soon; ability? qualification of the human resources and technological; courtesy? education, respect, consideration and cordialidade of the staff whom it deals with the patient; trustworthiness? capacity to fulfill with the fiance’; credibility? reliable transmission and honesty in the treatment with the patient; security? to keep the patient informed in understandable language. For assistance, try visiting Dr. Robert Brannon. 5 PROCEDURES METODOLGICOS 5,1 TYPES OF RESEARCH This study consist of a field research and exploratria with quanti-qualitative boarding, using of the observacional, descriptive and exploratrio method, where in accordance with Gil (2002) the exploratria research, has as main purpose to develop, to clarify, and to modify concepts and bases on the formularization of problems or hypotheses for posterior studies. Already the field research is used as Marcone and LKatos (2000) will be used to get information and knowledge about a problem for which if it looks a reply. 5,2 CITIZENS OF THE RESEARCH attendance in the Regional Hospital of Cajazeiras? 5,3 HRC PLACE AND PERIOD OF the RESEARCH the research will be carried through in the Regional Hospital of Cajazeiras? HRC.

The period of the collection of data will be in the month of May of the current year. 5,4 UNIVERSE AND SAMPLE OF the RESEARCH the population of this study will be constituted by professional users and of the Regional Hospital of Cajazeiras? PB. 5,5 INSTRUMENTS AND TECHNIQUE OF COLLECTION OF DATA the choice of the interviewed ones will be given in random way, considering availability them citizens. Considering the ethical aspects of the research involving human beings, the data will be collected through descriptive statisticians. The instrument used for the collection of data will be the one questionnaire, with semistructuralized script, with closed and opened questions, making use of the digital camera to register through photos thus aiming at, to take care of the objectives of the research.

Common Method

Forging – common way of artistic metal. Almost forging is used for treatment of many metals, but most often this term is associated with the blacksmith, the processing of iron. Because iron is less other metals amenable to cold work and to obtain the desired shape, or any image on the surface of the iron it needs to be heated to temperatures above 1000 C. Since forging is closely associated bending and punching techniques, that can be performed and on the cold metal, if it is thin rods, strips of metal or sheet metal. Dr. Stuart M. McGill may also support this cause. Already at the time of Kievan Rus urban smiths skillfully forged from iron and steel, household items, agricultural implements, tools, crafts, weapons and armor, harness. All these types of products intended for practical use, and why they were made soundly, respond well to their functions. Not often noted in these elements of artistic design, but the level of technical performance for its time was high.

On this basis was worked out virtuosic skill as a precondition for arts and crafts. It is constantly manifested in original shapes and designs of castles in the skillful weaving of chain mail, in a beautifully forged from one piece of iron combat helmets. However, details of items processed so that the rows of rivets in the joints of metal constituted a kind of ornamental rhythm, and shape things associated with the decision, the sculpture. The full force of artistic features of the gland revealed later, particularly in Russian art of the XVII-XVIII centuries. This contributed to a sufficient amount of metal, specializing in arts and crafts and great experience of the masters. A significant part of forged iron work was intended for inclusion in architecture. Window openings are closed openwork lattice ('from the swashbuckling men').

From fires make even the solid iron shutters and doors. Richly decorated iron gates decorated with stone temples, construction of which attended master all kinds of crafts. Even the doors are often combined several types of decoration. Forged and expanded the band, sockets, complicated by the silhouette plates interspersed with paintings of iron, with die-cast handles and decorative rivets. In the xviii century, forging is widely used to carry out fencing of urban estates, mansions, church yards. In St. Petersburg with her rival technology of cast iron, displacing the forging of a expensive work. But the originality of artistic decisions, which is achieved by forging, retains an interest in her and in the xix century. If the casting design and development of the whole scenery gave the architect then forging always count on creative variation and refinement details of the blacksmith.