Every day we hear more about the importance of crawling in the psychomotor development of children. While in past generations was promoted gatearan babies was not considered important this step in development. Many times babies crawl before walking. Why now gives much importance to crawl? For many reasons. First, crawl gives the child the opportunity to move without help from the mother so the baby can begin to know and explore the world for its own account and gain autonomy and independence. Crawling then, marks an important turning point in the life of the baby. Crawling is very important in the brain.
For the crawling is required to work both hemispheres crossed by the movement is done with the opposite hand and foot. With that, the baby develops greater plasticity and stimulates a series of neural connections that promote growth. To crawl, your baby develops gross and fine motor coordination, sense of proprioception, orientation and spatial awareness, as well as balance. It also promotes other activities such as walking, running, jumping and later to read and write. Normally babies crawl between 8 and 10 months. Often babies begin to move backwards, and once they are placed at four points will swing to achieve coordinated movement. Before starting to crawl, your baby should gain enough strength in his arms and legs to support your body and control of the torso and hand-eye coordination. You can promote your small crawling motivating to go to reach objects that appeal to you. Early learning programs, including activities aimed at promoting motor crawling on your baby.